The Site Of Jürgen Moßgraber

This is my private Homepage. Everything on these pages is somehow related to music. Check out my current and past bands, see my recording studio and download some free music software I wrote.

02.02.2025 Released ConvertWithMoss 12.1.
29.01.2025 Released DrivenByMoss 24.7.1 for Bitwig and Reaper.
18.01.2025 Released ConvertWithMoss 12.0.
04.01.2025 Released DrivenByMoss 24.7 for Bitwig and Reaper.
03.01.2025 Released ConvertWithMoss 11.7.
28.12.2024 Released ConvertWithMoss 11.6.
21.12.2024 Released ProjectConverter 1.2.10
15.12.2024 Released DrivenByMoss 24.6 for Bitwig and Reaper.
08.04.2024 Updated the Studio and Music section.